Install Guide Windows XP Service Pack 3
Installing Windows XP SP3 with the record you have not installed Windows XP SP3 on your computer:
Install the same basic way to start the boot settings.
On the PC and when I started writing there on the screen and press the dell monitor, or F2 depending on the specifications of your BIOS and then will open the page and set the BIOS press the right arrow on your keyboard to BOOT, and point again to the boot priority and select option CD / DVD by pressing the sign on the NumLock keyboard.
escape> exit> and enter XP SP3 CD to CD / DVD and press> enter
restart your computer will display the phrase "boot from CD / DVD" and then press any key on the keyboard.
Wait and hit enter or f3
wait and then came the command press f8, and other commands and press f8
Wait until there choice "enter" to install, R to repair and f3 to cancel.
Press enter if c in empty or contain state but not XP SP3 or can also contain XP SP3 but it would be replaced new, press R for repair when
If R is chosen to install the usual way, as there are only 2 choices Yes. Load and No. load, select the No.)
If select returns mean clean install, and you will be asked to choose which partition you use.
select just C, and you will be asked to Delete the partition, just press the delete command and will have the option to create a partition for C status had already Raw.
Type C for Create and select the more C you will be prompted to format with the format command
The format will list walk. and make copies, and copies files. hold on finish the PC would restart itself and will find the command press any key, just wait and install procedure will work. then you put the CD in the send key,
Wait until there is order to make the account name, then please complete, then there is the password command, let alone click next, and then you will come to the country settings, date & time.